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HS Basketball

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Current Condition: overcast clouds

Temperature: 62.96˚F

Feels Like: 62.91˚F

Wind Speeds: 12.5mph

Weather humidity: 84%

Chance of Precipitation: %

2024-2025 Coaches


HS Baseball:

Head - Driskill Sawyer

Asst. - Marvin Bennett


JH Baseball: 

Head - Driskill Sawyer

Asst. - Marvin Bennett


HS Softball:

Head -  Matt Garner

Asst. -  Brooke Crick


JH Softball: 

Head - Brooke Crick

Asst. - Matt Garner


HS Boys Basketball:

Head - Matt Garner

Asst. - Damon Parker


JH Boys Basketball:

Head - Damon Parker

Asst. -  Matt Garner


HS Girls Basketball:

Head - Chad Hutchison 

Asst. - Ashley Goodman


JH Girls Basketball:

Head - Ashley Goodman

Asst. - Chad Hutchison